Welcome to Mingsen Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Basic use

A small and exquisite cabinet device helps banks to extend their business to school, shopping mall and community. 

Basic parameter

  • One card loading magazine
  • Single working station of contact and contactless IC card reader, megnetic tape encoder, embossing & indenting printing module and tipping & topping module

Basic characteristic

Smart and light device supports door-to-door service for banks. Dramatically reduces the processing time on card issuing and improves customer's using experience.

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address:Building 1-5, No. 500,Guangshan 1st Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

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Address:Building 1-5, No. 500,Guangshan 1st Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Copyright 2012 mingsen.com.cn, Guangdong ICP for 09182051
Powered by vancheer